
Cookies Policy

Applicable law

In accordance to the Spanish and European law about cookies, Directive 2002/58/CE of the European Parliament and the Counsel, July 12th 2002 and Real Decreto-ley 13/2012, March 30th, this document informs you about our Cookies policy.


Cookies are text files that servers send to your browser and that contain information about the activity and actions in the site. Doing this way, servers can check and revise information when required, while visiting the site or on subsequent visits.

Cookies used by the company

MossyRock Design, uses cookies to improve the usability of the site and, also, because they are needed for the correct functioning of the site.
Cookies will never be used to collect personal data.

These are the cookies used by our site:

Session cookies: generated by the site, and required for its appropriate usability. This kind of cookies are deleted when closing browser.
Web analytics cookies: our site uses Google Analytics cookies to gather data about visits, visited site and other information only for statistics purposes. Our site also uses Google Adwords cookies to compile information about this advertising source. No personal data are compiled.
Social media cookies: share buttons and similar also install cookies belonging to the owners of the social media in order to register actions and activity.
External content cookies: iFrame embebed content provided by a third party (eg Google Maps).

Browser managing cookies

As these text files are created by your browser, you can manage and modify them through your browser settings.
The most common is to check “Options” or “Preferences” sections on your browser settings and disable, delete or limit cookies use.

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